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Project 2

Research Proposal

My Proposal includes a short description on the original intent of my research paper.

Annotated Bibliography

The Annotated Bibliography includes the 10 scholarly citations I found for the basis of my research and a sort description of each citation.

Rough Rough


I'm calling this my rough rough draft because I'm considering my upcoming conference draft to be my actual rough draft.

My draft falls short of 2,000 words but not from a lack to write about. Due to apprehension on my focus, I wanted to make sure I'm on the right track before writing 800 more words on something that might only make since to me. However, I think I might of finally found an angle. I'm not sure that others will be as curious as I've become but I'm excited to share my intrigue!

Still Very Very Rough Conference


     Project two was another essay type that I found myself to be unfamiliar with; it also happened to be my first official college research paper. I received the same grade on project two as I did on project one, but for different reasons. I felt that I used more creativity and emotion in my second paper but lacked some organization. I noticed that many others used communities for their paper that they were completely unattached with. I chose FSU’s Children’s Learning center.  My passion for teaching and children helped me to connect with the community on an emotional level but caused me to over analyze. Instead of stating what was on the surface I found myself looking too deep in the community for answers. I let the guidelines guide me a little too much again. I learned a lot about my community and about what I believe as an individual. I think this was the true purpose of project two; learning about the world outside of ourselves, forming an opinion, and applying it to the class objectives.  By interviewing and analyzing within the learning center I formed a strong opinion on teaching style. The stations I analyzed in my research paper are something I hope to use in the future. I also learned more about structuring a research paper. My model paper was Consider the Lobster. Though my paper was no Consider the Lobster, I feel that I took huge strides in the right direction. At first I found the annotated bibliography to be nothing more than busy work; but soon found that it helped me immensely when trying to find an angle for what I was going to analyze in my community. The more research the better when it comes to forming an opinion or theory. I might have picked a community I was less familiar with if I were to do this project again to be more objective. However, I’m thrilled with all that I learned.



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