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Television and Political Satire

     My genre is Television and my sub-genre is political satire. Throughout history it’s evident that the population is very subject to persuasion. The news and media can control much of society’s opinion. Reflecting on the most recent election I’ve noticed that almost everything on this earth is bias. I noticed my peer’s opinions being easily swayed by funny memes or catchy phrases being heavily promoted by opposing parties. It just shows you how dependent the population is on media to form their opinions.

     The more popular form of political satire used to be caricatures. While they’re still relevant to today’s generation, I’ve noticed that the more prevalent form of the comedic political slander is through television.  Amongst shows I watch, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, and Saturday Night Live (SNL) all covered the recent election. With trying not to express my own political viewpoints, I’ve decided to focus on at least one skit performed by the SNL cast. Other examples are linked below!

Jimmy Fallon




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